Bounce rate decrease
Conversions increase
Newsletter Subscription
Bounce Rate -10%
Conversion Rate +4%
Newsletter new subscribers +35%
Freddy is a brand, and it is synonymous of sport and passion for movement.
Freddy’s Italian e-commerce site has an articulated acquisition strategy, which includes multi-channel activities (SEO, AdWords, Facebook, DEM, etc.). The best way to maximize the results of various traffic sources is to intervene on the site, removing obstacles, and to adopt persuasion techniques to encourage users to purchase and other conversion goals.
Improving site conversion rates with an incremental approach and in particular, decreasing the bounce rate and increasing newsletter subscriptions.
The Project
The optimization activity was carried out in three phases:
- Setup –We performed a fine-tuning of Google Analytics to solve some data collection problems.
- User Research –We used a mix of qualitative methods (survey and heuristic analysis) and quantitative methods (heat map and recording sessions) to identify and prioritize the site problems.
- Testing – We have formulated hypotheses on the potential solutions to the issues identified, and we have carried out a series of A / B tests on the site to verify its real impact.
The activity, still in progress, has brought improvements in several funnel areas on which we have intervened:
- 10% decrease in bounce rate within the home page, thanks to the optimization of design and page contents.
- + 4% increase in conversion rate, thanks to the optimization of the product’s page.
- Increase in conversion rate for a +35% newsletter subscribers, thanks to the use of persuasive techniques.
*The case study was presented at the IAB FORUM Pamphlet, in November 2018.
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