
Privacy policy about the processing of users’ personal data

This document provides the user (“User(s)”) of the website www.prowebconsulting.net (“Website”) with the information on the processing of their personal data (“Data”) related to the use of the Website and its features.

1.Data controller and DPO

The data controller (“Controller”) is Cerved Group S.p.A. (C.F. e P. IVA IT08587760961), with registered office in San Donato Milanese (MI), via dell’Unione Europea, 6A/6B, holding company of the Cerved group of companies (“Group”).
The Group companies designated a data protection officer (“DPO”) who can be reached at the following address dpo@cerved.com.

2.Categories of Data

The use of the Website and of its features may imply the processing of the following Data:

a) contact Data (e-mail and/or telephone number);
b) potential further Data contained in the message sent by the User.

3.Option and mandatory Data

The only category of Data that must be provided is the one of contacts Data.
The provision of all the other Data relies only on the Users’ choices (for example, if and what kind of Data insert in the message sent).

4.Purpose and legal basis

The Data will be processed for receiving and replying to the request for contact/analysis received by the Users through the form available on the Website.

The processing relies upon the need to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.

5.Categories of recipient

The Data may be accessible to:

a) the persons who act under the authority of the Controller (e.g. employees and collaborators);
b) the other entities of the Group other that the Controller;
c) entities and persons external to the Group (e.g. suppliers) that carry out activities that may imply the processing of the Data (e.g. suppliers of the Website maintenance and development, hosting providers, consultants and business partners).

6.Extra UE/European Economic Area (EEA) Transfer of data

The Data is processed within the European Union and the European Economic Area, not being transferred abroad.
Whenever the processing of the Data may lead to the Data transfer abroad (outside the EU/SEE), such transfer will take place in accordance with the provisions set forth by the applicable law, providing the Users with the relevant information by updating this privacy policy.

7.Data retention

The Data related to the Users contact requests is processed only for replying to the Users, therefore not being stored.


By sending an email to the address cerved@cerved.com, the Users will be able to exercise the following rights:

a) right of access to the Data;
b) right to rectification and correction of the Data;
c) right to erase the Data;
d) right to restrict of and/or object to the processing;
e) right to receive a notification regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing;
f) right to the Data portability.

The Users who consider that the processing of the Data is carried out in breach of their rights may lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority. For example, in the scope of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) the competent Supervisory Authority is the one located in the Member State of the Users habitual residence, place of work or in the place where the alleged infringement is occurred, while, in the scope of the new Data Protection Act (FADP), the competent Supervisory Authority is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner.